I. Teams must submit a roster of no less than 10 members. Exceptions are subject to the approval of the
CSAL Director.
II. A team can play with a minimum of 8 players, if no other players are available. If an eligible 9th player
is available, he must play. If a team forfeits a game and wishes to play with exchanged players
(scrimmage), that game will be a CSAL sanctioned game.
III. School, on their own discretion, may combine with other schools with the approval of school
I. The host teams will determine the home team. In post-season tournament games, a flip of the coin in
the pre-game conference will determine home team.
II. The home team is to provide a competent scorekeeper and scorebook.
III. The teams scheduled to play share the responsibility of lining the field and placing the bases.
IV. Each team will provide a game quality ball.
I. Pitching Distance - Varsity 54 feet Jr. Varsity - 50 feet 6 inches
II. Base Distance - Varsity 80 feet Jr. Varsity - 70 feet
I. No Steel Spikes
II. No hard casts, hard splints or non-covered braces. Medical alert bracelets or necklaces are to be
taped down without covering the tag.
III. One warning on balks per pitcher. After the warning, balks will be penalized.
IV. Courtesy runner will be allowed for catcher only. Courtesy runner will be the last person to make an
V. A Varsity pitcher may only pitch a total of 7 innings during one calendar week (Monday to Sunday), no
more than 5 innings in one day. A player pitching 5 innings in one game must sit out 2 days before
pitching again and may not catch in the current game or the following day. A catcher may not pitch in
the current game if he has caught 4 innings in one game.
A Jr. Varsity pitcher may only pitch a total of 6 innings within one calendar week (Monday to Sunday)
and may only pitch 4 innings in one game. If a pitcher has thrown in 4 innings, he must sit out 2 days
before pitching again and may not catch in the current game or the following day. Catchers who have
caught 3 innings in game may not pitch in the current game.
Pitchers who throw on two consecutive days a total of 5 innings for Varsity or 4 innings for JV must rest
the third calendar day. This applies to regular season games and tournament games.
Coaches are responsible for keeping an accurate pitch count for all players on their team. At the end of
the game, the opposing coach and one umpire must sign the coaches score book. The coach will record
the following information in pen: Player’s name, number, number of innings pitched, and date. One
pitch during an inning equates to one inning pitched. One pitch caught during an inning equates to one
inning caught.
VI. No Jewelry
VII. No Jr. Varsity team may score more than 10 runs in one at bat.
VII. CSAL will adopt bat restrictions for the 2013/2014 school year.
IX. Teams can have 7 players to play a game.
X. All players must wear cups to participate in games.
I. Jr. Varsity game shall consist of 5 innings. A Varsity game is 7 innings.
II. Ten run difference terminates a Varsity game after 5 full innings or 4 1/2 innings if the home team is
ahead and a Jr. Varsity game after 4 innings or 3 1/2 if the home team is ahead.
III. A new inning shall not start after one hour and forty-five minutes for Varsity and one hour and thirty
minutes for Jr. Varsity unless extra innings are necessary because of a tie score.
I. Teams must bat their entire roster. Batting the entire line-up allows free substitution at any position in
the field.
II. Players must participate in 70% of league games in order to participate in the postseason tournament.
Score books from both teams shall be kept in order to monitor compliance.
III. Line-ups are official with the first pitch of the game. Players may not be added to the line-up once
the game begins. Players in the line-up who are unable to hit will result as an automatic out-injury to
the player will be the only exception.
All official fees will be paid to CSAL before the team’s first game. Schools will pay their post season
tournament fees at the completion of the tournament.
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